A Simple Face Painting Idea for New Years Eve

2015 final

It’s that time of year again! Time to reflect back over the past year, and move forward with new goals and ideas.  Here is an easy design that will please boys and girls, young and old alike.


Medium #4 Round Brush
Small Round #1 (1/16″) Brush

paper towels or cloth
water container
(optional) Fine Mist Spray bottle with water
optional) Baby wipes

Colors used in this picture:

Black Face Paint
White Face Paint
Red Face Paint
Light Blue Face Paint
Silver Face Paint

Add on: Amerikan Body Art Cosmetic Glitter – Holographic White (Sheer)


1. Starting with the silver face paint, and the small round brush, paint the year (2015) on the side of the cheek.


2. Next, using the red face paint and the small round brush, add some festive swirls and lines surrounding the numbers.



3. Next, using the light blue paint, add more party swirls, dashes and dots to the design.



4. Add white dots, start bursts and some mini tear drops to the design.
Finish using black to outline the design.

2015 final


Throw some glitter on that bad boy and you are done! You can modify the design by using different colors,  adding different types of party lines and decorations. It’s fun and simple and sure to make folks happy.

Happy Holidays. Have fun. Be safe. Please comment or share below.



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