Balloon Snake

Balloon Snake

Balloon Snake

Well gang, we have shown you an assortment of fun balloons so far like bunnies, flowers and even some bracelets, today we are going to learn a balloon snake. I like to use the spiral inflating method for the body we showed in the “Spring Flower” article but if that’s too difficult we will show you how to bend the balloon for a snake like contour.


260 twisting balloons: one green- one red

5″ round balloonwhite or clear for the eyes

Balloon pump

Black magic marker

* If you are unable to accomplish the spiral inflating method, follow the steps below. If you are able to do the spiral, do so and the remaining steps will be the same for both body styles.

Step 1. Inflate the green 260 leaving about a two inch tail, release just a little air before tying to soften the balloon.

Step 1.

Step 1.

Step 2. Make a 2″ bubble

Step 3.

Step 2.


Step 3. Ear twist the bubble using the nozzle as the lock point.

Step 3.

Step 3.


Step 4. Make another bubble just slightly larger than the first and ear twist as you did the first. This forms the snakes mouth.

Step 4.

Step 4.


Step 5. Inflate the 5″ round balloon to just smaller than a baseball and tie. This will make the eyes.

Step 5.

Step 5.

Step 6. Divide the balloon into two smaller bubbles by gripping with one hand allowing the nozzle to come out between the index and middle finger and bring the thumb around to touch the fingers.

Step 6.

Step 6.

Step 7. Give the balloon a squeeze and a nice bubble will pop up, twist this several times to create two separate bubbles.

Step 7.

Step 7.

Step 8. Wind the nozzle around the center of this double bubble a few times to help hold the twist.

Step 8.

Step 8.

Step 9. You will have a shape like this. Don’t sweat it if they are not exactly the same size.

Step 9.

Step 9.

Step 10.. To place the eyes on the snake simply slide the eyes up behind the mouth twist making sure there is eye bubble on each side of the green balloon.

Step 10.

Step 10.

Step 11. Adjust the configuration so the larger mouth segment is on top.

Step 11.

Step 11.

Step 12. Take the un-inflated red 260 and slide into the side of the mouth all the way and center it on the lower bubble. This will be the tongue.

Step 12 a and 12 b

Step 12 a.

Step 12.

Step 12 b.



Step 13. If you did not use the spiral inflating method which gives the snake a curved body; you can simply roll the body into a spring, give a little squeeze and this leaves the balloon with some contour.

Step 13.

Step 13 a.

Step 13 b.

Step 13 b.

Step 14. With your black marker add in some nostrils and pupils for the eyes, your snake is complete.

Step 14.

Step 14.

*My daughter suggested eye lashes for a girl snake, so here we have it, Mr. and Mrs. Snake.



This is really a fun balloon to make and you can add a lot of personality with different pupil and nostril shapes.

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