How to Make a Quick and Easy Four Leaf Clover Face Paint Design


Here is an easy Face Painting Design. The shamrocks are really easy to do, when you have the right tools for the job. This can be done on the face or on the arm. Add as little or as many shamrocks as you see fit.


1″ Flat Brush
Small Round #1 (1/16″) Brush
Medium Filbert

paper towels or cloth
water container
(optional) Fine Mist Spray bottle with water
optional) Baby wipes

Colors used in this picture:

Black Face Paint
White Face Paint
Light Green
Diamond FX Split Cake – Small Neon Nights


1. Starting with the 1 inch brush, and the rainbow split cake, paint a curvy line for the rainbow.


2. Next, using the medium filbert brush, press down firmly to create a petal shape.


3.Push down another petal shape where the ends meet, but the top is slightly fanned out to create ONE leaf of the four leaf.


4. Continue this process to create the petals. It will take TWO petal stokes for each petal. So in total it will take 8 presses of the brush to create a nice four leaf clover. Once you practice this, it will be fast and easy.



5. Repeat  and create as many shamrocks as you would like.



6. Add some white dots of different sizes, and some swirls using the small round brush.



7. Finally, add a small black outline around the design to make it stand out. See it looks good! The filbert brush is a great way to create petals for all types of foliage.



Easily add glitter by using a spray bottle with water, and spritzing the design lightly at least 12 inches away.  Use a poof-able cosmetic grade  glitter to add evenly all around. Use different colors to really create an effect.

Thanks for viewing. May you have lots of luck on your gigs this season!


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