Baby Monster Face Paint Tutorial

With Easter just around the corner (and me already wondering how this year is going by so quickly), I thought it would be fun to create an Easterish egg design with a monster instead of a baby chick. 


TAG light blue
TAG royal blue
Global small split (Sydney shown in example)
White face paint
Black face paint
Yellow face paint
Lime green face paint
Orange face paint
3/4-inch flat brush
#5 round brush
Sponge or dauber
Reptile stencil
#1 or #2 round brush


Begin by loading your large flat brush from your favorite Global split cake. Make a jagged horizontal shape, flip the brush, and then create the other side in the same way. 

Use the #5 round brush and TAG light blue to make the top and bottom of the egg shape. 

With the round brush and the split cake which matches your monster's fur, add two oval feet at either side of the bottom of the egg. 

Load a dauber or sponge from a dark blue and place your reptile stencil over the egg on the monster to add texture. This will be easier to do if you have a dauber and one of the smaller stencils such as the HAS5001 or the TAP stencils. 

Add two eyes and some white highlights with a round brush and white.

Add a pacifier with yellow and the #2 round brush.

Complete your monster with black outlines and details. I found it easier to use a #1 round brush to do this. For colorful dots and starbursts around the monster, you can use either the #2 or the #1 round brush and yellow, orange, lime green, and white.

Beth MacKinney is the owner of and primary face painter for Face Paint Pizzazz in Elgin, Illinois, and her artwork has appeared in The Colored Palette and SkinMarkz magazines. She services Elgin, Illinois, the NW Chicago suburbs, and northern Chicago, as well as the eastern suburbs of Rockford. Stop by to check out her other face painting blog posts and tutorials.


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