Origins of National Clown Week
Although opinions vary as to who first had the idea for a clown week or who first started petitioning their congressmen for a proclamation to make this a celebrated week, clowns everywhere are glad it came to pass. History has shown that there was a humble beginning to this celebration in the early 1950's, but October 8th, 1970 the House and Senate approved the proclamation and sent it to the president for a signature into law. On August 2nd, 1971, President Nixon signed a Proclamation into law that August 1st through 7th shall be known as National Clown Week.

Clowns of Redford, MI
What to do for National Clown Week?
Clown Groups take this opportunity to educate their communities about the art of clowning as well as entertain at local gatherings. Many clown alleys will help raise funds for local charities. Clowns Around Redford, a Michigan based clown alley, has made it a practice to work with local businesses raising money for charities such as the American Cancer Society, Starfish family and local food pantries just to name a few. This year, Clowns Around Redford will be raising money for a group called Care Packages for Troops. This group collects everyday items and special treats and sends them to our soldiers who are in combat and need a boost of spirit. Clowns everywhere will be out putting smiles on the faces of both young and old with their beautiful face painting, amazing balloon creations and silly skits. So, make sure to keep your eyes open for the red noses this first week of August and share in the fun and laughter that is National Clown Week.

A big banana split for national clown week in Redford, MI