For the preparation and face painting tips, refer to the top of the page.
Medium #4 Round Brush
Water Container
Cloth or Paper Towel
Colors used in this picture:
Diamond FX Essential Black
Diamond FX Essential White
Wolfe Face Paints – Orange
Wolfe Face Paints – Yellow
1. Using your round brush and the orange face paint, you’ll want to paint an oval shape where you want to put your design. Add a point to each end of the oval.
2. Next, paint a tail at one end of the shape.
3. Using the yellow face paint, paint two fins on the top and bottom of the design. Then using the same brush and yellow, paint teardrop shapes over the tail, and to create a side fin as well.
4. Add white tear drop shapes over the fins and tail of the fish. Paint a circle for the eye, and add two additional bubbles next to the fish.
5. Finally, outline your design in black. Add as much or as little detail as you would like.