Walking the Dog: Balloon Video Tutorial


Balloon creations can get quite elaborate and may seem overwhelming to the newbie balloon twister, but even the most advanced twisters started simple. Learning the basic bubbles and twists for ballooning can be frustrating at first, however with practice soon you will find it becomes second nature.

*To help you on your way to balloon twisting we give you our latest installment to the Clown Antics Clown Channel, how to make a balloon dog. Just click on the video above.

IMG_0002The balloon dog is probably the first balloon animal most twisters learned and for very good reason. The balloon dog has a head, ears, legs, body and tail which is the makeup of most balloon animals, just the bubble sizes will vary. For example, a basic balloon giraffe is a dog with a really long neck and very short body… more or less.

One can also vary the size of the bubbles in order to make different sized dogs like the dachshund or wiener dog. A horse is a variation of the dog as well as the simple cat balloon.

So get out the bag of 260’s and practice those twists.

To see more videos click the clown channel link below.


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