Clown Wigs

Customer Questions about Clown Wigs

Q: Hello, I was wondering if you have the Lacey Bald Silly Boy Wig (item # W1328) in red with the flesh (not white) bald front.
A: Very few bald wigs are available with flesh-toned bald cap. To get a perfect match, you purchase a Bald Silly Boy Wig with the white cap, and then apply your makeup to the bald cap of the wig. Apply the makeup as you normally would to your skin--powder and everything. You can even arch your eyebrows up onto the bald cap for extra exaggeration. Periodically, you will need to re-apply the makeup to the bald cap, as it will fade with washing and exposure to sunlight.
Posted on 1/10/12

Q: I was wondering what I need to get the bald cap to look seamless on my head. Is there a special kind of make up?
A: Bald Caps are typically applied with Spirit Gum Adhesive Resin, and then the edges are smoothed with Liquid Latex and covered with makeup for a seamless appearance. We carry several Bald Cap Kits that include everything you need.
Posted on 10/27/11

Q: Is the material under the hair of your wigs spandex or latex?
A: The material that the hair of most clown wigs is fastened to is lace, sometimes with elastic to add some stretch. Yarn wigs (ragdoll style) sometimes have solid fabric instead, as the yarn fibers are sewn on in layers.
Posted on 9/28/11
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